Who is Nicholas Pham?
My name is Nicholas Pham. I am a Business and Economics major at the University at Buffalo. I am a former member of Key Club, a United Way volunteer, and an active member in my church. An adventurer, I love the great outdoors, and I especially love camping. My prior experiences with long distance biking include the Aids-Ride-For-Life, and bike camping in Ithaca with my close friends Dan and Grayson. Today, I am a brother of Lambda Chi Alpha, (a fraternity dedicated to serving the community) and a member of Leadership House (a living and learning community on campus). Through Leadership House, I volunteer at the local community center Gloria J. Parks, to help children in the area advance their education. Additionally, I am partnered with Alliance for the Great LAkes, and through them I work to clean up the Great Lakes water system. With my fraternity, we raise money for Feeding America and to serve the community as a whole. We donate to the Food Bank of Western New York, which feeds 129,000 people a month. Through this cross-country biking adventure, I plan on raising money and awareness for the Food Bank of WNY.
To me, biking means freedom, adventure, and promotes great health. When I go out for a ride, my favorite thing to do is venture off aimlessly and explore the surrounding areas. The beauty of biking is that you can go 10, 20, 30 miles away from home, explore and still find your way home. The freedom to explore is my favorite part about biking, and thus, the dream of exploring the country looms large. Biking across the country is my dream, that I will see it realized. I can’t wait to start my new adventure, and with your support I will make it happen. Please donate, and I hope to see you along the way!
Contact Me:
Email: NJPham@buffalo.edu
Phone: (607)727-5504