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Bike Across America To Fight Hunger

Help support some of the 46 million Americans struggling with hunger right now by donating to the Food Bank of Western New York, a member of Feeding America. It is my joint mission with Lambda Chi Alpha to raise money and food to support the 129,000 people in Western New York that struggle with hunger. I encourage you to donate, every dollar will provide 6 meals for people in need. This summer, I will be biking across America to show my support and to raise money for the cause. Go out and DONATE!

By:Nicholas Pham

Help me in my mission to see the 46 million people struggling with hunger in America supported. The need for donations is year-round and the support comes from YOU.

1 in 7 Face Hunger

Donate to help feed some of the 46 million people in the US that struggle with hunger


Every $1 provides 6 meals to those in need

Raise 38,000 Meals

Help me raise money for the  Food Bank of Western New York

I joined Lambda Chi Alpha in 2016 to make a difference in the community. That is why I am biking across America in support of Feeding America

Learn more about the cause and donate by clicking on the images below

Bike Across America Blog

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